Research Database
Displaying 1201 - 1220 of 1473
Assessing the Compatibility of Fuel Treatments, Wildfire Risk, and Conservation of Northern Spotted Owl Habitats and Populations in the Eastern Cascades: A Multi-Scale Analysis
Year: 2014
National Forests in the dry forest provinces on the east‐side of the Oregon and Washington Cascades have been managed under the guidelines of local Forest Plans and the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP), both of which specify large areas of late‐successional reserves (LSRs). In contrast, the recently‐released USDI Fish and Wildlife Service Revised Recovery Plan (RRP) for the Northern Spotted Owl (NSO) calls for development of dynamic and shifting mosaics in the dry forests, and retention of LSRs in moist forests of eastern Cascades of Oregon and Washington, to address NSO habitat and wildfire…
Publication Type: Report
Dry forest resilience varies under simulated climate-management scenarios in a central Oregon, USA landscape
Year: 2014
Determining appropriate actions to create or maintain landscapes resilient toclimate change is challenging because of uncertainty associated with potential effects ofclimate change and their interactions with land management. We used a set of climateinformedstate-and-transition models to explore the effects of management and naturaldisturbances on vegetation composition and structure under different future climates. Modelswere run for dry forests of central Oregon under a fire suppression scenario (i.e., nomanagement other than the continued suppression of wildfires) and an active…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Trust: A planning guide for wildfire agencies & practitioners
Year: 2014
This planning guide is the outcome of an international collaboration of researchers and practitioners/field managers working in communities at risk of wildfire in three countries. Initially, the team of social scientists from Australia, Canada, and the United States utilized the collective research literature to examine factors that influence stakeholder trust. A working draft of this document was shared with experienced agency personnel and community leaders previous to interactive workshops and field visits in each country. This allowed for deliberations of the essential features of…
Publication Type: Report
Beyond reducing fire hazard: fuel treatment impacts on overstory tree survival
Year: 2014
Fuel treatment implementation in dry forest types throughout the western UnitedStates is likely to increase in pace and scale in response to increasing incidence of large wildfires.While it is clear that properly implemented fuel treatments are effective at reducing hazardousfire potential, there are ancillary ecological effects that can impact forest resilience eitherpositively or negatively depending on the specific elements examined, as well as treatment type,timing, and intensity. In this study, we use overstory tree growth responses, measured sevenyears after the most common fuel…
Publication Type: Journal Article
An accuracy assessment of the MTBS burned area product for shrub-steppe fires in the northern Great Basin, United States
Year: 2014
Although fire is a common disturbance in shrub–steppe, few studies have specifically tested burned area mapping accuracy in these semiarid to arid environments. We conducted a preliminary assessment of the accuracy of the Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) burned area product on four shrub–steppe fires that exhibited varying degrees of within-fire patch heterogeneity. Independent burned area perimeters were derived through visual interpretation and were used to cross-compare the MTBS burned area perimeters with classifications produced using set thresholds on the Relativised…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Modifying the Canadian Fine Fuel Moisture Code for masticated surface fuels
Year: 2014
Mechanical mastication is a fuel management technique that disrupts the vertical continuity of forest fuels by shredding of trees and understory vegetation into a highly compacted surface fuel bed. Despite the increasing application of mastication to manage wildfire risk, there is little information to date on fuel moisture in masticated fuels and optimal ignition patterns for prescribed burning. We investigated the applicability of the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), a component of the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) System, in tracking the diurnal and day-to-day changes in masticated…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Correlations between components of the water balance and burned area reveal insights for predicting forest fire area in the southwest United States
Year: 2014
We related measurements of annual burned area in the southwest United States during 1984–2013 to records of climate variability. Within forests, annual burned area correlated at least as strongly with spring–summer vapour pressure deficit (VPD) as with 14 other drought-related metrics, including more complex metrics that explicitly represent fuel moisture. Particularly strong correlations with VPD arise partly because this term dictates the atmospheric moisture demand. Additionally, VPD responds to moisture supply, which is difficult to measure and model regionally due to complex…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The role of defensible space for residential structure protection during wildfires
Year: 2014
With the potential for worsening fire conditions, discussion is escalating over how to best reduce effects on urban communities. A widely supported strategy is the creation of defensible space immediately surrounding homes and other structures. Although state and local governments publish specific guidelines and requirements, there is little empirical evidence to suggest how much vegetation modification is needed to provide significant benefits. We analysed the role of defensible space by mapping and measuring a suite of variables on modern pre-fire aerial photography for 1000 destroyed and…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Simulated western spruce budworm defoliation reduces torching and crowning potential: a sensitivity analysis using a physics-based fire model
Year: 2014
The widespread, native defoliator western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) reduces canopy fuels, which might affect the potential for surface fires to torch (ignite the crowns of individual trees) or crown (spread between tree crowns). However, the effects of defoliation on fire behaviour are poorly understood. We used a physics-based fire model to examine the effects of defoliation and three aspects of how the phenomenon is represented in the model (the spatial distribution of defoliation within tree crowns, potential branchwood drying and model resolution). Our…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Challenges of assessing fire and burn severity using field measures, remote sensing and modelling
Year: 2014
Comprehensive assessment of ecological change after fires have burned forests and rangelands is important if we are to understand, predict and measure fire effects. We highlight the challenges in effective assessment of fire and burn severity in the field and using both remote sensing and simulation models. We draw on diverse recent research for guidance on assessing fire effects on vegetation and soil using field methods, remote sensing and models. We suggest that instead of collapsing many diverse, complex and interacting fire effects into a single severity index, the effects of fire should…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Use of night vision goggles for aerial forest fire protection
Year: 2014
Night-time flight searches using night vision goggles have the potential to improve early aerial detection of forest fires, which could in turn improve suppression effectiveness and reduce costs. Two sets of flight trials explored this potential in an operational context. With a clear line of sight, fires could be seen from many kilometres away (on average 3584 m for controlled point sources and 6678 m for real fires). Observers needed to be nearer to identify a light as a potential source worthy of further investigation. The average discrimination distance, at which a source could be…
Publication Type: Journal Article
2014 National Smoke Forum
Year: 2014
The Forum was an opportunity to discuss the importance of wildfire smoke, review the current technology and tools that help inform decision making, discuss the policies and issues related to smoke impacts, and suggest plans for projects and organizations to address smoke issues in the future. Get the presentations and posters at
Publication Type: Presentation
Conditions favouring Bromus tectorum dominance of endangered sagebrush steppe ecosystems
Year: 2013
Ecosystem invasibility is determined by combinations of environmental variables, invader attributes, disturbance regimes, competitive abilities of resident species and evolutionary history between residents and disturbance regimes. Understanding the relative importance of each factor is critical to limiting future invasions and restoring ecosystems. We investigated factors potentially controlling Bromus tectorum invasions into Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis communities across 75 sites in the Great Basin. We measured soil texture, cattle grazing intensity, gaps among perennial plants…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Climate stress increases forest fire severity across the western United States
Year: 2013
Pervasive warming can lead to chronic stress on forest trees, which may contribute to mortality resultingfrom fire-caused injuries. Longitudinal analyses of forest plots from across the western US show that highpre-fire climatic water deficit was related to increased post-fire tree mortality probabilities. This relationshipbetween climate and fire was present after accounting for fire defences and injuries, and appeared to influencethe effects of crown and stem injuries. Climate and fire interactions did not vary substantially acrossgeographical regions, major genera and tree sizes. Our…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Does seeding after wildfires in rangelands reduce erosion or invasive species?
Year: 2013
Mitigation of ecological damage caused by rangeland wildfires has historically been an issue restricted to the western United States. It has focused on conservation of ecosystem function through reducing soil erosion and spread of invasive plants. Effectiveness of mitigation treatments has been debated recently. We reviewed recent literature to conduct a meta-analysis of seeding after wildfires to determine if seedings may (1) protect ecosystems against soil erosion and (2) reduce invasion or abundance of undesirable nonnative plant species. Effectiveness of postfire seedings was examined in…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Prescribed fire in North America forests and woodlands: history, current practice, and challenges
Year: 2013
Whether ignited by lightning or by Native Americans, fire once shaped many North American ecosystems. Euro–American settlement and 20th-century fire suppression practices drastically altered historic fire regimes, leading to excessive fuel accumulation and uncharacteristically severe wildfires in some areas and diminished flammability resulting from shifts to more fire-sensitive forest species in others. Prescribed fire is a valuable tool for fuel management and ecosystem restoration, but the practice is fraught with controversy and uncertainty. Here, we summarize fire use in the forests and…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Fire-mediated pathways of stand development in Douglas-fir/ western hemlock forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Year: 2013
Forests dominated by Douglas-fir and western hemlock in the Pacific Northwest of the United States have strongly influenced concepts and policy concerning old-growth forest conservation. Despite the attention to their old-growth characteristics, a tendency remains to view their disturbance ecology in relatively simple terms, emphasizing infrequent, stand-replacing (SR) fire and an associated linear pathway toward development of those old-growth characteristics. This study uses forest stand- and age-structure data from 124 stands in the central western Cascades of Oregon to construct a…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Restoring forest resilience: From reference spatial patterns to silvicultural prescriptions and monitoring
Year: 2013
Stand-level spatial pattern influences key aspects of resilience and ecosystem function such as disturbance behavior, regeneration, snow retention, and habitat quality in frequent-fire pine and mixed-conifer forests. Reference sites, from both pre-settlement era reconstructions and contemporary forests with active fire regimes, indicate that frequent-fire forests are complex mosaics of individual trees, tree clumps, and openings. There is a broad scientific consensus that restoration treatments should seek to restore this mosaic pattern in order to restore resilience and maintain ecosystem…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Conifer regeneration following stand-replacing wildfires varies along an elevation gradient in a ponderosa pine forest, Oregon, USA
Year: 2013
Climate change is expected to increase disturbances such as stand-replacing wildfire in many ecosystems, which have the potential to drive rapid turnover in ecological communities. Ecosystem recovery, and therefore maintenance of critical structures and functions (resilience), is likely to vary across environmental gradients such as moisture availability, but has received little study. We examined conifer regeneration a decade following complete stand-replacing wildfire in dry coniferous forests spanning a 700 m elevation gradient where low elevation sites had relatively high moisture stress…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Foliar moisture content variations in lodgepole pine over the diurnal cycle during the red stage of mountain pine beetle attack
Year: 2013
Widespread outbreaks of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) in the lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) forests of North America have produced stands with significant levels of recent tree mortality. The needle foliage from recently attacked trees typically turns red within one to two years of attack indicating successful colonization by the beetle and tree death. Attempts to model crown fire potential in these stands have assumed that the moisture content of dead foliage responds similarly to changes in air temperature and relative…
Publication Type: Journal Article
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