Research Database
Displaying 21 - 40 of 107
Governing ecosystem adaptation: An investigation of adaptive capacity within environmental governance networks
Year: 2022
Climate change is impacting ecosystems in dynamic ways. In order to mitigate the risks brought about by these ecosystem changes, ecosystem management, which has historically focused on preservation and preventing change, must now be much more flexible and responsive. The capacity to adapt management approaches to current and future climate conditions is fundamentally a function of access to resources and social capital, both of which are considerably influenced by underlying socio-political conditions. While a growing body of research addresses the adaptive capacity of individuals,…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Post-fire landscape evaluations in Eastern Washington, USA: Assessing the work of contemporary wildfires
Year: 2022
In the western US, wildfires are modifying the structure, composition, and patterns of forested landscapes at ratesthat far exceed mechanical thinning and prescribed fire treatments. There are conflicting narratives as to whetherthese wildfires are restoring landscape resilience to future climate and wildfires. To evaluate the landscape-levelwork of wildfires, we assessed four subwatersheds in eastern Washington, USA that experienced large wildfires in2014, 2015, or 2017 after more than a century of fire exclusion and extensive timber harvest. We compared preandpost-fire landscape conditions…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Burn severity and pre-fire seral state interact to shape vegetation responses to fire in a young, western Cascade Range forest
Year: 2022
Wildfire size and frequency are increasing across the western U.S., affecting large areas of young, second-growth forest originating after logging and burning. Despite their prevalence in the western Cascade landscape, we have a poor understanding of how these young stands respond to fire or how their responses differ from older, undisturbed forests, which are well studied. We explore these questions using pre- and early post-fire data from a young (<30-year-old), naturally regenerating forest in western Oregon that was burned preemptively to limit spread of the 2018 Terwilliger Fire. We…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The complexity of biological disturbance agents, fuels heterogeneity, and fire in coniferous forests of the western United States
Year: 2022
Forest biological disturbance agents (BDAs) are insects, pathogens, and parasitic plants that affect tree decline, mortality, and forest ecosystems processes. BDAs are commonly thought to increase the likelihood and severity of fire by converting live standing trees to more flammable, dead and downed fuel. However, recent research indicates that BDAs do not necessarily increase, and can reduce, the likelihood or severity of fire. This has led to confusion regarding the role of BDAs in influencing fuels and fire in fire-prone western United States forests. Here, we review the existing…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Cognition of feedback loops in a fire-prone social-ecological system
Year: 2022
Increasing wildfire severity highlights the need for large-scale shifts in management of fire-prone landscapes. While prior research has focused on cognitive biases, social norms, and institutional disincentives that limit reform, such factors are best understood as components of feedback loops that operate within complex adaptive systems. We evaluated the prominence and function of feedback loops embedded in cognitive maps—beliefs about patterns of causal relationships that drive system dynamics—elicited from a diverse cross-section of stakeholders in a fire-prone region in the U.S. West. We…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Exploring the social legacy of frequent wildfires: Organizational responses for community recovery following the 2018 Camp Fire
Year: 2022
The increased global frequency and scale of impactful and destructive wildfires has necessitated the reimagination of recovery assistance in affected communities. Unequal experience with and access to resources to support recovery mean that organizations operating at different scales may provide varying types of assistance after fire, particularly in rural areas. The US state of California has experienced several notable wildfire events in the past decade, including the 2018 Camp Fire that broke state and national records associated with the losses it caused. Interviews with 45 individuals…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Actionable social science can guide community level wildfire solutions. An illustration from North Central Washington, US
Year: 2022
In this study we illustrate the value of social data compiled at the community scale to guide a local wildfire mitigation and education effort. The four contiguous fire-prone study communities in North Central Washington, US, fall within the same jurisdictional fire service boundary and within one US census block group. Across the four communities, similar attitudes toward wildfire were observed. However, significant differences were found on the measures critical to tailoring wildfire preparation and mitigation programs to the local context such as risk mitigation behaviors, reported…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Changes in fire behavior caused by fire exclusion and fuel build-up vary with topography in California montane forests, USA
Year: 2022
Wildfire sizes and proportions burned with high severity effects are increasing in seasonally dry forests, especially in the western USA. A critical need in efforts to restore or maintain these forest ecosystems is to determine where fuel build-up caused by fire exclusion reaches thresholds that compromise resilience to fire. Empirical studies identifying drivers of fire severity patterns in actual wildfires can be confounded by co-variation of vegetation and topography and the stochastic effects of weather and rarely consider long-term changes in fuel caused by fire exclusion. To overcome…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Exploring relationships between perceived suppression capabilities and resident performance of wildfire mitigations
Year: 2022
Increased wildfire activity has led to renewed interest in enhancing local capacity to reduce wildfire risk in residential areas. Local fire departments (LFDs) are often the first responders to rural wildfires. However, LFDs may also struggle to address service demands in the growing wildland urban interface, including increasing numbers of wildfire incidents and changes in area socio-demographics (e.g., aging populations) or culture (e.g., decreasing volunteerism, new residents). We used a mixed-mode survey (n = 770) to explore rural perceptions of various fire service organizations (FSOs),…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Growth of the wildland-urban interface within and around U.S. National Forests and Grasslands, 1990–2010
Year: 2022
The wildland-urban interface (WUI), where housing is in close proximity to or intermingled with wildland vegetation, is widespread throughout the United States, but it is unclear how this type of housing development affects public lands. We used a national dataset to examine WUI distribution and growth (1990–2010) in proximity to National Forests and created a typology to characterize each National Forest’s combination of WUI area and housing growth. We found that National Forests are hotspots for WUI growth, with a 38% increase in WUI area and 46% growth in WUI houses from 1990 to 2010, in…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Minimize the bad days: Wildland fire response and suppression success
Year: 2022
• Effective wildland fire response and suppression are critical for reducing the size of frequent and severe wildfires, thereby reducing the risk of post-fire conversion to invasive annual grass-dominated plant communities. • Wildland firefighter safety and strategic deployment of resources are paramount for timely initial attack to prevent incidents from escalating. • By mobilizing a timely and safe initial response, early detection technologies, strategic networks of fuel breaks, and Rangeland Fire Protection Associations help “minimize the bad days” on the fireline and improve suppression…
Publication Type: Journal Article
A geographic strategy for cross-jurisdictional, proactive management of invasive annual grasses in Oregon
Year: 2022
On the Ground: Invasive annual grasses pose a widespread threat to western rangelands, and a strategic and proactive approach is needed to tackle this problem. Oregon partners used new spatial data to develop a geographic strategy for management of invasive annual grasses at landscape scales across jurisdictional boundaries. The geographic strategy considers annual and perennial herbaceous cover along with site resilience and resistance in categorizing areas into intact core, transitioning, and degraded areas. The geographic strategy provides 1) a conceptual framework for proactive management…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Ventenata ( Ventenata dubia ) Response to Grazing and Prescribed Fire on the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie
Year: 2022
The exotic annual grass ventenata ( Ventenata dubia L.) is raising concern as it rapidly invades multiple ecosystem types within the United States, including sagebrush steppe, ponderosa pine forests, woodlands, and much of the Palouse and Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie (PNB). Despite increasing attention, little is known about the invasion dynamics of ventenata, especially its response to disturbances such as grazing and fire. In this study, we examined how cattle grazing and prescribed fire affect the abundance (standing crop, cover, frequency, and density) of ventenata and other plant…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Strategic Partnerships to Leverage Small Wins for Fine Fuels Management
Year: 2022
Rangeland wildfire is a wicked problem that cuts across a mosaic of public and private rangelands in the western United States and countless countries worldwide. Fine fuel accumulation in these ecosystems contributes to large-scale wildfires and undermines plant communities’ resistance to invasive annual grasses and resilience to disturbances such as fire. Yet it can be difficult to implement fuels management practices, such as grazing, in socially and politically complex contexts such as federally managed rangelands in the United States. In this Research-Partnership Highlight, we argue that…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The impacts of wildfires of different burn severities on vegetation structure across the western United States rangelands
Year: 2022
Large wildfires have increased in western US rangelands over the last three decades. There is limited information on the impacts of wildfires with different severities on the vegetation in these rangelands. This study assessed the impacts of large wildfires on rangeland fractional cover including annual forbs and grasses (AFG), perennial forbs and grasses (PFG), shrubs (SHR) and trees (TREE) across the western US, and explored relationships between changes in fractional cover and prefire soil moisture conditions. The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm was used to group wildfires into…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Merging prescribed fires and timber harvests in the Sierra Nevada: Burn season and pruning influences in young mixed conifer stands
Year: 2022
Highlights • Mortality of canopy trees was similar between spring and fall prescribed burns in 13-14 year old stands • Fall burns consumed more surface fuel without substantially high levels of canopy damage • Pre-fire pruning Pinus lambertiana and Calocecrus decurrens trees did not clearly reduce tree damage • Gap-based silviculture and prescribed fire can be merged to meet broad ecological goals Abstract In dry, productive forests where historically infrequent high-severity fires are now common, new silvicultural systems will be needed to better align management activity with the ecosystem'…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Rapid Growth of Large Forest Fires Drives the Exponential Response of Annual Forest-Fire Area to Aridity in the Western United States
Year: 2022
Annual forest area burned (AFAB) in the western United States (US) has increased as a positive exponential function of rising aridity in recent decades. This non-linear response has important implications for AFAB in a changing climate, yet the cause of the exponential AFAB-aridity relationship has not been given rigorous attention. We investigated the exponential AFAB-aridity relationship in western US forests using a new 1984–2019 database of fire events and 2001–2020 satellite-based records of daily fire growth. While forest-fire frequency and duration grow linearly with aridity, the…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Plant-water sensitivity regulates wildfire vulnerability
Year: 2022
Extreme wildfires extensively impact human health and the environment. Increasing vapour pressure deficit (VPD) has led to a chronic increase in wildfire area in the western United States, yet some regions have been more affected than others. Here we show that for the same increase in VPD, burned area increases more in regions where vegetation moisture shows greater sensitivity to water limitation (plant-water sensitivity; R2 = 0.71). This has led to rapid increases in human exposure to wildfire risk, both because the population living in areas with high plant-water sensitivity grew 50%…
Publication Type: Journal Article
A collaborative agenda for archaeology and fire science
Year: 2022
Humans have influenced global fire activity for millennia and will continue to do so into the future. Given the long-term interaction between humans and fire, we propose a collaborative research agenda linking archaeology and fire science that emphasizes the socioecological histories and consequences of anthropogenic fire in the development of fire management strategies today.
Publication Type: Journal Article
Pyrogenic carbon decomposition critical to resolving fire’s role in the Earth system
Year: 2022
Recently identified post-fire carbon fluxes indicate that, to understand whether global fires represent a net carbon source or sink, one must consider both terrestrial carbon retention through pyrogenic carbon production and carbon losses via multiple pathways. Here these legacy source and sink pathways are quantified using a CMIP6 land surface model to estimate Earth’s fire carbon budget. Over the period 1901–2010, global pyrogenic carbon has driven an annual soil carbon accumulation of 337 TgC yr−1, offset by legacy carbon losses totalling −248 TgC yr−1. The residual of these values…
Publication Type: Journal Article