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Restoring fire-prone Inland Pacific landscapes: Seven core principles / Applying principles of landscape restoration within the eastern Cascades

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Paul Hessburg, Research Landscape Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service & Ryan Haugo, Senior Forest Ecologist with The Nature Conservancy presented Restoring fire-prone Inland Pacific landscapes: Seven core principles / Applying principles of landscape restoration within the eastern Cascades.
Watch the video on our YouTube Channel

Finding the Best Available Science on Fire Effects and Fire Regimes in Northwestern and Northern Rockies Ecosystems

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Ilana Abrahamson and Robin Innes, both ecologists for the Fire Modeling Institute in the Fire, Fuel, and Smoke program of the Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Research Station, demonstrated new search functions and fire regime products in the Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) that help inform fire management planning and decision-making in the Northwestern US and Northern Rocky Mountain region.
Watch the video on our YouTube Channel

Fuels patterns and a fire following mountain pine beetle mortality in the climax lodgepole pine forests of southern central Oregon

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The last of three webinars focusing on insects and fire, Dr. Dave Shaw and Michelle Agne, Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management at Oregon State University, presented on November 23rd - Fuels patterns and a fire following mountain pine beetle mortality in the climax lodgepole pine forests of southern central Oregon.
Watch the video on our YouTube Channel

Influence of recent bark beetle outbreaks on wildfire

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The second of three webinars focusing on insects and fire, Dr. Sarah Hart, Department of Geography at the University of Colorado Boulder, presented on November 13th - Influence of recent bark beetle outbreaks on wildfire.
Watch the video on our YouTube Channel

Does wildfire likelihood or severity increase following insect outbreaks in conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest?

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The first of three webinars focusing on insects and fire, Dr. Garrett Meigs, Department of Forestry at the University of Vermont, presented on November 4th - Does wildfire likelihood or severity increase following insect outbreaks in conifer forests of the Pacific Northwest? The video begins at 1:51. Watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Drivers of Wildfire Suppression Costs

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Cassandra Moseley - Director & Autumn Ellison - Research Assistant, Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon presents: Drivers of Wildfire Suppression Costs
Recorded May 20, 2015
Watch the webinar on our YouTube Channel!