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Let's fix the fire problem: Here's a solution

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Daniel Leavell, Assistant Professor of Practice & Extension Forest and Fire Agent, presented "Let's fix the fire problem: Here's a solution." Watch the video on our YouTube channel. Please note that the video recording failed during the webinar. We've done our best to pair the audio file with the Powerpoint slides. The audio may not align exactly with the appropriate slide at all times.

Prescribed fire policy barriers: Findings from a JFSP project on challenges and strategies on federal lands across the West

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Courtney Schultz, Associate Professor of Forest and Natural Resource Policy and Director of the Public Lands Policy Group in the Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship at Colorado State University and Heidi Huber-Stearns, Associate Director of the Ecosystem Workforce Program, University of Oregon presented on "Prescribed fire policy barriers: Findings from a JFSP project on challenges and strategies on federal lands across the West." Watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Evaluation of burn mosaics on subsequent wildfire behavior, severity and fire management strategies

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Susan Prichard, research scientist at the University of WA; Nick Povak, ORISE postdoctoral fellow with USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station; and Paul Hessburg, research landscape ecologist with USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station presented on "Evaluation of burn mosaics on subsequent wildfire behavior, severity and fire management strategies." Watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Humans modulate fire regimes, forest characteristics, and fire-climate relationships in California Montane Forests

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Alan is a Professor of Geography and Ecology at Penn State and Associate of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at The Pennsylvania State University. His research during the last 25 years has focused on the effects and interactions of fire disturbance, climate, and people on forest dynamics at various time scales, and on the influence of understory plants on tree regeneration. Alan presented on "Humans modulate fire regimes, forest characteristics, and fire-climate relationships in California Montane Forests." Watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Scaling up Collaborative Restoration: What can be learned from participatory landscape simulation modeling?

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Tom Spies, Senior Scientist and Research Forester with the Pacific Northwest Research Station and Emily Jane Davis, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist with the College of Forestry, Oregon State University presented "Scaling up Collaborative Restoration:  What can be learned from participatory landscape simulation modeling?" Watch the video on our YouTube channel.