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Rangeland Fire Protection Associations in Oregon and Idaho: Implications for Fire Adaptation and Agency-Community Relationships

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Jesse Abrams, Research Associate with Ecosystem Workforce Program, Institute for a Sustainable Environment at the University of Oregon and Dr. Emily Jane Davis, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist with Oregon State University presented, Rangeland Fire Protection Associations in Oregon and Idaho: Implications for Fire Adaptation and Agency-Community Relationships.
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Restoring Western Dry Forests: Individuals, Clumps and Openings

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There's a tremendous need for ecological restoration in dry forests. Tools such as thinning and prescribed fire are used to reintroduce disturbance into these forests to promote health and resilience. Individuals, clumps and openings is one approach used in thinning. Find out more.

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Creating fire adapted communities An interactional approach

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Travis Paveglio, Assistant Professor at University of Idaho, and Matt Carroll, a Natural Resource Sociologist at Washington State University, presented Creating Fire Adapted Communities: An Interactional Approach.
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