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Fuels and Fuel Treatments

Displaying 171 - 180 of 217

ArcFuels10 System Overview

Year of Publication
Publication Type

Fire behavior modeling and geospatial analyses can provide tremendous insight for land managers as they grapple with the complex problems frequently encountered in wildfire risk assessments and fire and fuels management planning.

Fuel Treatments and Fire Severity: A Meta-Analysis

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We employed meta-analysis and information theory to synthesize findings reported in the literature on the effects of fuel treatments on subsequent fire intensity and severity. Data were compiled from 19 publications that reported observed fire responses from 62 treated versus untreated contrasts.

A Land Manager's Guide for Creating Fire-resistant Forests

Year of Publication
Publication Type

This publication provides an overview of how various silvicultural treatments affectfuel and fire behavior, and how to create fire-resistant forests. In properlytreated, fire-resistant forests, fire intensity is reduced and overstory treesare more likely to survive than in untreated forests. Fire-resistant forestsare not “fireproof” – under the right conditions, any forest will burn.