Research Database
Displaying 1201 - 1211 of 1211
Prescribed fires as ecological surrogates for wildfires: A stream and riparian perspective
Year: 2010
Forest managers use prescribed fire to reduce wildfire risk and to provide resource benefits, yet little information is available on whether prescribed fires can function as ecological surrogates for wildfire in fire-prone landscapes. Information on impacts and benefits of this management tool on stream and riparian ecosystems is particularly lacking. We used a beyond-BACI (Before, After, Control, Impact) design to investigate the effects of a prescribed fire on a stream ecosystem and compared these findings to similar data collected after wildfire. For 3 years after prescribed fire treatment…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The fire pulse: wildfire stimulates flux of aquatic prey to terrestrial habitats driving increase in riparian consumers
Year: 2010
We investigated the midterm effects of wildfire (in this case, five years after the fire) of varying severity on periphyton, benthic invertebrates, emerging adult aquatic insects, spiders, and bats by comparing unburned sites with those exposed to low severity (riparian vegetation burned but canopy intact) and high severity (canopy completely removed) wildfire. We observed no difference in periphyton chlorophyll a or ash-free dry mass among different burn categories but did observe significantly greater biomass of benthic invertebrates in both high severity burned and unburned reaches versus…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Response of antelope bitterbrush to repeated prescribed burning in Central Oregon ponderosa pine forests
Year: 2009
Antelope bitterbrush is a dominant shrub in many interior ponderosa pine forests in the western UnitedStates. How it responds to prescribed fire is not well understood, yet is of considerable concern to wildlifeand fire managers alike given its importance as a browse species and as a ladder fuel in these fire-proneforests. We quantified bitterbrush cover, density, and biomass in response to repeated burning in thinnedponderosa pine forests. Low- to moderate-intensity spring burning killed the majority of bitterbrushplants on replicate plots. Moderately rapid recovery of bitterbrush density…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Assessing fuel treatment effectiveness using satellite imagery and spatial statistics
Year: 2009
Understanding the influences of forest management practices on wildfire severity is critical in fire-prone ecosystems of the western United States. Newly available geospatial data sets characterizing vegetation, fuels, topography, and burn severity offer new opportunities for studying fuel treatment effectiveness at regional to national scales. In this study, we used ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression and sequential autoregression (SAR) to analyze fuel treatment effects on burn severity for three recent wildfires: the Camp 32 fire in western Montana, the School fire in southeastern…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Has Fire Suppression Increased the Amount of Carbon Stored in Western US Forests?
Year: 2008
Active 20th century fire suppression in western US forests, and a resultingincrease in stem density, is thought to account for a significant fraction of the NorthAmerican carbon sink. We compared California forest inventories from the 1930s withinventories from the 1990s to quantify changes in aboveground biomass. Stem density inmid-montane conifer forests increased by 34%, while live aboveground carbon stocksdecreased by 26%. Increased stem density reflected an increase in the number of smalltrees and a net loss of large trees. Large trees contain a disproportionate amount ofcarbon, and the…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Four centuries of soil carbon and nitrogen change after stand-replacing fire in a forest landscape in the western Cascade range of Oregon
Year: 2008
Episodic stand-replacing wildfire is a significant disturbance in mesic and moist Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) forests of the Pacific Northwest. We studied 24 forest stands with known fire histories in the western Cascade Range in Oregon to evaluate long-term impacts of stand-replacing wildfire on carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and dynamics within the forest floor (FF, Oe and Oa horizons) and the mineral soil (0–10 cm). Twelve of our stands burned approximately 150 years ago (“young”), and the other 12 burned approximately 550 years ago (“old”). Forest floor mean C…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Postfire woodpecker foraging in salvage-logged and unlogged forests of the Sierra Nevada
Year: 2008
In forests, high-severity burn patches—whereinmost or all of the trees are killed by fire—often occur within amosaic of low- and moderate-severity effects. Although therehave been several studies of postfire salvage-logging effects onbird species, there have been few studies of effects on bird speciesassociated with high-severity patches in forests that haveotherwise burned at lower severities. From 2004 to 2006, we investigatedthe foraging presence or absence of three woodpeckerspecies, the Black-backed (Picoides arcticus), Hairy (P. villosus),and White-headed (P. albolarvatus) Woodpeckers,…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The Ecological Importance of Severe Wildfires: Some Like it Hot
Year: 2008
Many scientists and forest land managers concur that past fire suppression, grazing, and timber harvesting practices have created unnatural and unhealthy conditions in the dry, ponderosa pine forests of the western United States. Specifically, such forests are said to carry higher fuel loads and experience fires that are more severe than those that occurred historically. It remains unclear, however, how far these generalizations can be extrapolated in time and space, and how well they apply to the more mesic ponderosa pine systems and to other forest systems within the western United States.…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Smoke on the hill: A comparative study of wildfire and two communities
Year: 2003
Wildfire represents a serious challenge to communities in the rural West. After decades of fire suppression, land managers now perceive a greater role for wildfire in the ecosystem. In the meantime, migration patterns from urban to rural settings have increased the number of people living in forested areas throughout the West, therefore; wildfires are a threat to more homes than ever in the region. This study focuses on two communities’ response to wildfires during the intense fire season of 1994. Through qualitative research methods, the study analyzes these diverse responses in the context…
Publication Type: Journal Article
The Effect of Wildland Fire on Aquatic Ecosystems in the Western USA
Year: 2003
Publication Type: Journal Article
Jurisdictional decision-making about building codes for resiliency and sustainability post-fire
The increasing frequency and size of wildfires across the U.S. motivates the growing need to identify how affected communities can rebuild sustainably and resiliently. This study examines the jurisdictional decision-making process surrounding one important class of sustainability and resiliency decisions, focusing on energy and wildfire building codes for housing reconstruction. Through 22 interviews with staff and elected officials in three jurisdictions impacted by Colorado's Marshall Fire, we identify factors influencing decisions. Code decisions varied across jurisdictions and, in some…
Publication Type: Journal Article
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