Research Database
Displaying 1 - 20 of 27
Trailing edge contractions common in interior western US trees under varying disturbances
Year: 2025
As climate warms, trees are expected to track their ideal climate, referred to as ‘range shifts’; however, lags in tree range shifts are currently common. Disturbance events that kill trees may help catalyse tree migrations by removing biotic competition, but can also limit regeneration by eliminating seed sources, and it is unknown whether disturbance will facilitate or inhibit tree migrations in the face of climate change. Here we use national forest inventory data to show that seedlings of 15 dominant tree species in the interior western United States occupy historically cooler areas than…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Abiotic Factors Modify Ponderosa Pine Regeneration Outcomes After High-Severity Fire
Year: 2024
Large high-severity burn patches are increasingly common in southwestern US dry conifer forests. Seed-obligate conifers often fail to quickly regenerate large patches because their seeds rarely travel the distances required to reach core patch area. Abiotic factors may further alter the distance seeds can travel to regenerate a patch, which would change expected post-fire regeneration patterns. We used the presence and density of ponderosa pine regeneration as a proxy for seed dispersal to quantify the effect of abiotic factors on seed dispersal into high-severity patches. We established 45…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Repeated fuel treatments fall short of fire-adapted regeneration objectives in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest, USA
Year: 2024
Fire exclusion over the last two centuries has driven a significant fire deficit in the forests of western North America, leading to widespread changes in the composition and structure of these historically fire-adapted ecosystems. Fuel treatments have been increasingly applied over the last few decades to mitigate fire hazard, yet it is unclear whether these fuel-focused treatments restore the fire-adapted conditions and species that will allow forests to persist into the future. A vital prerequisite of restoring fire-adaptedness is ongoing establishment of fire-tolerant tree species, and…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Montane springs provide regeneration refugia after high-severity wildfire
Year: 2024
In the mountainous regions of the Western United States, increasing wildfire activity and climate change are putting forests at risk of regeneration failure and conversion to non-forests. During periods with unfavorable climatic conditions, locations that are suitable for post-fire tree regeneration (regeneration refugia) may be essential for forest recovery. These refugia could provide scattered islands of recovering forest from which broader forest recovery may be facilitated. Spring ecosystems provide cool and wet microsites relative to the surrounding landscape and may act as regeneration…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Thinning and prescribed burning increase shade-tolerant conifer regeneration in a fire excluded mixed-conifer forest
Year: 2024
Fire exclusion and past management have altered the composition, structure, and function of frequent-fire forests throughout western North America. In mixed-conifer forests of the California Sierra Nevada, fire exclusion has exacerbated the effects of drought and endemic bark beetles, resulting in extensive mortality of fire-adapted pine species. Thinning and prescribed fire are widely used in these forests to reduce fuels, moderate fire behavior, and restore ecosystems. Tree regeneration influences future forest composition and structure, and therefore future resilience to disturbances, but…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Fuel constraints, not fire weather conditions, limit fire behavior in reburned boreal forests
Year: 2024
Fire frequency in boreal forests has increased via longer burning seasons, drier conditions, and higher temperatures. However, fires have historically self-regulated via fuel limitations, mediating the effects of changes in climate and fire weather. Early post-fire boreal forests (10–15 years postfire) are often dominated by mixed conifer-broadleaf or broadleaf regeneration, considered less flammable due to the higher foliar moisture of broadleaf trees and shrubs compared to their more intact conifer counterparts. However, the strength of self-regulation in the context of changing fire…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Snow-cover remote sensing of conifer tree recovery in high-severity burn patches
Year: 2024
The number of large, high-severity wildfires has been increasing across the western United States over the last several decades. It is not fully understood how changes in the frequency of large, severe wildfires may impact the resilience of conifer forests, due to alterations in regeneration success or failure. Our research investigates 30 years of conifer recovery patterns within 34 high-severity wildfire complexes (1988–1991) of the Northern Rocky Mountains. We evaluate the capability of snow-cover Landsat to characterize conifer tree recolonization of high-severity burn patches. Snow-…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Less fuel for the next fire? Short-interval fire delays forest recovery and interacting drivers amplify effects
Year: 2023
As 21st-century climate and disturbance dynamics depart from historic baselines, ecosystem resilience is uncertain. Multiple drivers are changing simultaneously, and interactions among drivers could amplify ecosystem vulnerability to change. Subalpine forests in Greater Yellowstone (Northern Rocky Mountains, USA) were historically resilient to infrequent (100–300 year), severe fire. We sampled paired short-interval (<30-year) and long-interval (>125-year) post-fire plots most recently burned between 1988 and 2018 to address two questions: (1) How do short-interval fire, climate,…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Climate and fire impacts on tree recruitment in mixed conifer forests in Northwestern Mexico and California
Year: 2023
Frequent-fire forests were once heterogeneous at multiple spatial scales, which contributed to their resilience to severe fire. While many studies have characterized historical spatial patterns in frequent-fire forests, fewer studies have investigated their temporal dynamics. We investigated the influences of fire and climate on the timing of conifer recruitment in old-growth Jeffrey pine-mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir (SSPM) and the eastern slope of Sierra Nevada. Additionally, we evaluated the impacts of fire exclusion and recent climate change on recruitment levels…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Patterns and drivers of early conifer regeneration following stand-replacing wildfire in Pacific Northwest (USA) temperate maritime forests
Year: 2023
Tree regeneration is a critical mechanism of forest resilience to stand-replacing wildfire (i.e., where fire results in >90 % tree mortality), and post-fire regeneration is a concern worldwide as the climate becomes warmer. Although post-fire tree regeneration has been relatively well-studied in fire-prone forests across western North America, it is less understood in fire regimes characterized by large patches of stand-replacing fire at long intervals, such as the nominally infrequent, high-severity fire regimes of the western Cascades of Washington and northern Oregon,…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Forecasting natural regeneration of sagebrush after wildfires using population models and spatial matching
Year: 2023
Context Addressing ecosystem degradation in the Anthropocene will require ecological restoration across large spatial extents. Identifying areas where natural regeneration will occur without direct resource investment will improve scalability of restoration actions. Objectives An ecoregion in need of large scale restoration is the Great Basin of the Western US, where increasingly large and frequent wildfires threaten ecosystem integrity and its foundational shrub species. We develop a framework to forecast where post-wildfire regeneration of sagebrush cover (Artemisia spp.) is likely to occur…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Ability of seedlings to survive heat and drought portends future demographic challenges for five southwestern US conifers
Year: 2023
Climate change and disturbance are altering forests and the rates and locations of tree regeneration. In semi-arid forests of the southwestern USA, limitations imposed by hot and dry conditions are likely to influence seedling survival. We examined how the survival of 1-year seedlings of five southwestern US conifer species whose southwestern distributions range from warmer and drier woodlands and forests (Pinus edulis Engelm., Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson) to cooler and wetter subalpine forests (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, Abies concolor…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Topographic information improves simulated patterns of post-fire conifer regeneration in the southwest United States
Year: 2023
The western United States is projected to experience more frequent and severe wildfires in the future due to drier and hotter climate conditions, exacerbating destructive wildfire impacts on forest ecosystems such as tree mortality and unsuccessful post-fire regeneration. While empirical studies have revealed strong relationships between topographical information and plant regeneration, ecological processes in ecosystem models have either not fully addressed topography-mediated effects on the probability of plant regeneration, or the probability is only controlled by climate-related factors,…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Long-term effects of fuel treatments, overstory structure, and wildfire on tree regeneration in dry forests of Central Washington
Year: 2020
The long-term eectiveness of dry-forest fuels treatments (restoration thinning andprescribed burning) depends, in part, on the pace at which trees regenerate and recruit into theoverstory. Knowledge of the factors that shape post-treatment regeneration and growth is limitedby the short timeframes and simple disturbance histories of past research. Here, we present resultsof a 15-year fuels-reduction experiment in central Washington, including responses to plannedand unplanned disturbances.We explore the changing patterns of Douglas-fir regeneration in72 permanent plots (0.1 ha) varying in…
Publication Type: Journal Article
How does tree regeneration respond to mixed‐severity fire in the western Oregon Cascades, USA?
Year: 2020
Dendroecological studies of historical tree recruitment patterns suggest mixed‐severity fire effects are common in Douglas‐fir/western hemlock forests of the Pacific Northwest (PNW), USA, but empirical studies linking observed fire severity to tree regeneration response are needed to expand our understanding into the functional role of fire in this forest type. Recent increases in mixed‐severity fires offered this opportunity, so we quantified the abundance, spatial distribution, species richness, and community composition of regenerating trees across a mixed‐severity fire gradient (unburned–…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Wildfire severity and postfire salvage harvest effects on long-term forest regeneration
Year: 2020
Following a wildfire, regeneration to forest can take decades to centuries and is no longerassured in many western U.S. environments given escalating wildfire severity and warming trends. Afterlarge fire years, managers prioritize where to allocate scarce planting resources, often with limited informationon the factors that drive successful forest establishment. Where occurring, long-term effects of postfiresalvage operations can increase uncertainty of establishment. Here, we collected field data on postfireregeneration patterns within 13- to 28-yr-old burned patches in eastern Washington…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Tamm Review: Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests
Year: 2019
The increasing frequency and severity of fire and drought events have negatively impacted the capacity and success of reforestation efforts in many dry, western U.S. forests. Challenges to reforestation include the cost and safety concerns of replanting large areas of standing dead trees, and high seedling and sapling mortality rates due to water stress, competing vegetation, and repeat fires that burn young plantations. Standard reforestation practices have emphasized establishing dense conifer cover with gridded planting, sometimes called 'pines in lines', followed by shrub control and pre-…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Influence of fire refugia spatial pattern on post-fire forest recovery in Oregon’s Blue Mountains
Year: 2019
Context Fire regimes in many dry forests of western North America are substantially different from historical conditions, and there is concern about the ability of these forests to recover following severe wildfire. Fire refugia, unburned or low-severity burned patches where trees survived fire, may serve as essential propagule sources that enable forest regeneration. Objectives To quantify the influence of fire refugia spatial pattern and other biophysical factors on the process of post-fire tree regeneration; in particular examining both the proximity and density of surrounding refugia to…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Short- and long-term effects of ponderosa pine fuel treatments intersected by the Egley Fire Complex, Oregon, USA
Year: 2019
Background Fuel treatments are widely used to alter fuels in forested ecosystems to mitigate wildfire behavior and effects. However, few studies have examined long-term ecological effects of interacting fuel treatments (commercial harvests, pre-commercial thinnings, pile and burning, and prescribed fire) and wildfire. Using annually fitted Landsat satellite-derived Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) curves and paired pre-fire treated and untreated field sites, we tested changes in the differenced NBR (dNBR) and years since treatment as predictors of biophysical attributes one and nine years after…
Publication Type: Journal Article
What drives ponderosa pine regeneration following wildfire in the western United States?
Year: 2019
Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C. Lawson) is a prominent tree species in forests of the western United States. Wildfire activity in ponderosa pine dominated or co-dominated forests has increased dramatically in recent decades, with these recent wildfires often burning in an uncharacteristic manner due to past land management activities and changing climate. The structure and function of vegetative communities that develop following recent wildfires are highly contingent on ponderosa pine regeneration, making it important that the factors influencing this regeneration be…
Publication Type: Journal Article