Research Database
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Assessing costs and constraints of forest residue disposal by pile burning
Year: 2025
Pile burning of thinned residues is a critical tool to dispose of fuels and to reduce wildfire risk in overstocked, fire-prone forests globally. However, cost estimates of pile burning are limited. In the Western United States, where fuel reduction and pile burning are key strategies to mitigate risk of severe wildfire, previous reports estimate that the average cost of pile burning after machine treatment is $543 ac−1 ($1,343 ha−1). There is, however, limited information on the costs of hand thinning and pile burning. In response, this study quantified the costs of cutting and yarding,…
Publication Type: Journal Article
Complexities in post-wildfire governance: lessons from Colorado’s 2020 wildfires
Year: 2025
Background: The increasing size and severity of western U.S. wildfires in recent years has generated greater attention towards post-wildfire response and recovery. Post-fire governance requires coordinating response and recovery capacities across jurisdictions, landscapes, and time scales. The presence of wildfire on federal public lands necessitates federal agency involvement in both suppression and recovery efforts, and program coordination with lower levels of government and non-governmental organizations. Using semi-structured interviews, we investigated experiences of leaders across the…
Publication Type: Journal Article