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Methods to assess fire-induced tree mortality: review of fire behaviour proxy and real fire experiments

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Background: The increased interest in why and how trees die from fire has led to several syntheses of the potential mechanisms of fire-induced tree mortality. However, these generally neglect to consider experimental methods used to simulate fire behaviour conditions.

Aims: To describe, evaluate the appropriateness of and provide a historical timeline of the different approaches that have been used to simulate fire behaviour in fire-induced tree mortality studies.

Methods: We conducted a historical review of the different actual and fire proxy methods that have been used to further our understanding of fire-induced tree mortality.

Key results: Most studies that assess the mechanisms of fire-induced tree mortality in laboratory settings make use of fire proxies instead of real fires and use cut branches instead of live plants.

Implications: Further research should assess mechanisms of fire-induced tree mortality using live plants in paired combustion laboratory and landscape fire experiments.

Alistair M. S. Smith, Raquel Partelli-Feltrin, Aaron M. Sparks, James G. Moberly, Henry D. Adams, Dylan W. Schwilk, Wade T. Tinkham, John R. Kok, David R. Wilson, Alex Thompson, Andrew T. Hudak, Chad M. Hoffman, James A. Lutz, Alexander S. Blanco, Mark A. Cochrane, Robert L. Kremens, Joseph Dahlen, Grant L. Harley, Scott W. Rainsford, Li Huang, Douglas D. Hardman, Luigi Boschetti and Daniel M. Johnson

Smith Alistair M. S., Partelli-Feltrin Raquel, Sparks Aaron M., Moberly James G., Adams Henry D., Schwilk Dylan W., Tinkham Wade T., Kok John R., Wilson David R., Thompson Alex, Hudak Andrew T., Hoffman Chad M., Lutz James A., Blanco Alexander S., Cochrane Mark A., Kremens Robert L., Dahlen Joseph, Harley Grant L., Rainsford Scott W., Huang Li, Hardman Douglas D., Boschetti Luigi, Johnson Daniel M. (2025) Methods to assess fire-induced tree mortality: review of fire behaviour proxy and real fire experiments. International Journal of Wildland Fire 34, WF24136.

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