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Fire history in northern Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forests across a distinct gradient in productivity

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Understanding the role of fire in forested landscapes is fundamental to fire reintroduction efforts, yet few studies have examined how fire dynamics vary in response to interactions between local conditions, such as soil productivity, and more broadscale changes in climate. In this study, we examined historical fire frequency, seasonality, and spatial patterning in mixed conifer forests across a distinct gradient of soil productivity in the northern Sierra Nevada. We cross-dated 46 different wood samples containing 377 fire scars from 6 paired sites, located on and off of ultramafic serpentine soils. Forests on serpentine-derived soils have slower growth rates, lower biomass accumulation, and patchier vegetation than adjacent, non-serpentine sites. Due to these differences, we hypothesized that historical fire frequency and spatial extent would be reduced in mixed conifer forests growing on serpentine soils.


Fire scars revealed a history of frequent fire at all of our sites (median composite interval: 6–22.5 years) despite clear differences in soil productivity. Fire frequency was slightly shorter in more productive non-serpentine sites, but this difference was not consistently significant within our sample pairs. While fires were frequent, both on and off of serpentine, they were also highly asynchronous, and this was largely driven by differing climate–fire relationships. Fires in more productive sites were strongly associated with drought conditions in the year of the fire, while fires in less productive serpentine sites appeared to be more dependent on a cycle of wet and dry conditions in the years preceding the fire. Widespread fires that crossed the boundary between serpentine and non-serpentine were associated with drier than normal years.


In our study, fine-scale variation in historical fire regime attributes was linked to both bottom-up and top-down controls. Understanding how these factors interact to create variation in fire frequency, timing, and spatial extent can help managers more effectively define desired conditions, develop management objectives, and identify management strategies for fire reintroduction and forest restoration projects.

Michelle Coppoletta, Eric E. Knapp, Brandon M. Collins, Celeste S. Abbott, Hannah M. Fertel, Scott L. Stephens

Coppoletta, Michelle; Knapp, Eric E.; Collins, Brandon M.; Abbott, Celeste S.; Fertel, Hannah M.; Stephens, Scott L. 2024. Fire history in northern Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forests across a distinct gradient in productivity. Fire Ecology. 20(1): 121.