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Mixed-Conifer Management

Displaying 41 - 50 of 70

Bark beetles and wildfires: How does forest recovery change with repeated disturbances in mixed conifer forests?

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Increased wildfire activity and recent bark beetle outbreaks in the western United States have increased the potential for interactions between disturbance types to influence forest characteristics. However, the effects of interactions between bark beetle outbreaks and subsequent wildfires on forest succession remain poorly understood.

Temporal fuel dynamics following high-severity fire in dry mixed conifer forests of the eastern Cascades, Oregon, USA

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Fire-resilient landscapes require the recurrent use of fire, but successful use of fire in previously burned areas must account for temporal fuel dynamics. We analysed factors influencing temporal fuel dynamics across a 24-year spatial chronosequence of unmanipulated dry mixed conifer forests following high-severity fire.

The effects of burn entry and burn severity on ponderosa pine and mixed conifer forests in Grand Canyon National Park

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Over a century of fire exclusion in frequent-fire ponderosa pine and dry mixed conifer forests has resulted in increased tree densities, heavy surface fuel accumulations and an increase in late successional, fire-intolerant trees. Grand Canyon National Park uses prescribed fires and wildfires to reduce fire hazard and restore ecosystem processes.

Long-Term Growth of Sierra Nevada Mixed Conifer in Response to Mechanized Thinning, Slash Mastication, and Prescribed Fire

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Thinning implemented with a cut-to-length system accompanied by on-site slash mastication and dispersal and followed by prescribed underburning were evaluated for their influences on individual tree and stand level growth in eastern Sierran mixed conifer. California white fir (Abies concolor var. lowiana [Gord.] Lemm.) dominated stand composition with Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev.

Long-term dead wood changes in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest: habitat and fire hazard implications

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Dead trees play an important role in forests, with snags and coarse woody debris (CWD) used by many bird and mammal species for nesting, resting, or foraging. However, too much dead wood can also contribute to extreme fire behavior. This tension between dead wood as habitat and dead wood as fuel has raised questions about appropriate quantities in fire-dependent forested ecosystems.

The Ecology and Management of Moist Mixed-Conifer Forests in Eastern Oregon and Washington: a Synthesis of the Relevant Biophysical Science and Implications for Future Land Management

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Land managers in the Pacific Northwest have reported a need for updated scientific information on the ecology and management of mixed-conifer forests east of the Cascade Range in Oregon and Washington. Of particular concern are the moist mixed-conifer forests, which have become drought-stressed and vulnerable to high-severity fire after decades of human disturbances and climate warming.