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April 1-2 - 2015 Region 6 CFLRP Network Workshop


Members of the U.S. Forest Service and Oregon and Washington forest collaborative groups will be gathering in Hood River, Oregon for the third annual workshop of the Region 6 Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) network. Participants will discuss the successes and challenges of the past five years of CFLRP and plan for the next five years.

Central Oregon Ecological Fire Training Exchange


This Northwest FLN TREX, aimed at prescribed fire partners in the state, will focus on the ecological, social, communications, monitoring and operational dimensions of planning and implementing ecologically-based prescribed fire for restoration goals. (The application deadline has passed.)

Understanding the Effects of Fire on Aquatic Ecosystems

Are wildland fires good or bad for fish and their aquatic habitat? What kinds of restoration are most beneficial? We'll take an in-depth look into the state of the science, research gaps, and opportunities for future management coordination & priority setting.

Co-sponsered by: Columbia Basin Federal Caucus, Ecotrust

How to determine the most appropriate treatments before and after wildfire in sagebrush and piñon-juniper ecosystems

Overview: Rick Miller, Professor Emeritus of Range and Fire Ecology, OSU and Jennifer Moffitt, Soil Scientist, Prineville BLM will discuss tools to rapidly assess resilience to disturbance (ability of a treatment area to recover), resistance to invasive annuals, predict successional pathways, and determine the need and suitability for seeding on potential vegetation treatment areas and areas bu

Are you getting everything you want from your woods?

Find out what resources are available to help you keep your woods healthy, productive & resilient, so you don’t lose your property or home to wildfire. Join your local woodland conservation partners for a free educational forestry workshop.

Oregon Fire Prevention Workshop


We are now accepting proposals for educational presentations for the 2016 Oregon Fire Prevention Workshop. We are interested in structural and wildland fire prevention and safety education topics. You may submit as many proposals as you wish, but only one proposal per web form.