Research Database
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Fire Without Borders: Observations, Experiences, and Lessons Learned from the 36-Pit Fire
Year: 2015
The 36-Pit fire near Estacada, OR broke out on September 13, 2014 and spread quickly, burning a total of 5,524 acres. The fire started by a target shooting accident in the 36 Pit quarry. Conditions were very hot and dry when the fire broke out, with temperatures ranging from the upper 80s to the mid-90s, and the relative humidity around 34%. In addition, there were 30 mph winds blowing from the east through the Clackamas River canyon...
Publication Type: Report
Using Prescribed Fire as a Management Strategy in the Turnbull NWR
Year: 2015
Management strategies developed for Turnbull NWR call for the integration of a variety of techniques to restore natural stand conditions, reduce hazard fuels and improve wildlife habitat. These strategies include various types of thinning followed by the application of prescribed fire. On April 14, 2015 the NW Fire Science Consortium sponsored a technical field tour to the refuge led by Mike Rule, refuge wildlife biologist, and Doug Frederick, Assistant Fire Management Officer. The tour included five stops; starting at the Headquarters for an overview of the refuge and discussion on…
Publication Type: Report