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Wildfire severity and postfire salvage harvest effects on long-term forest regeneration

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Following a wildfire, regeneration to forest can take decades to centuries and is no longerassured in many western U.S. environments given escalating wildfire severity and warming trends. Afterlarge fire years, managers prioritize where to allocate scarce planting resources, often with limited informationon the factors that drive successful forest establishment.

How does tree regeneration respond to mixed‐severity fire in the western Oregon Cascades, USA?

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Dendroecological studies of historical tree recruitment patterns suggest mixed‐severity fire effects are common in Douglas‐fir/western hemlock forests of the Pacific Northwest (PNW), USA, but empirical studies linking observed fire severity to tree regeneration response are needed to expand our understanding into the functional role of fire in this forest type.

Long-term effects of fuel treatments, overstory structure, and wildfire on tree regeneration in dry forests of Central Washington

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The long-term eectiveness of dry-forest fuels treatments (restoration thinning andprescribed burning) depends, in part, on the pace at which trees regenerate and recruit into theoverstory. Knowledge of the factors that shape post-treatment regeneration and growth is limitedby the short timeframes and simple disturbance histories of past research.

Influence of fire refugia spatial pattern on post-fire forest recovery in Oregon’s Blue Mountains

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Context Fire regimes in many dry forests of western North America are substantially different from historical conditions, and there is concern about the ability of these forests to recover following severe wildfire. Fire refugia, unburned or low-severity burned patches where trees survived fire, may serve as essential propagule sources that enable forest regeneration.

What drives ponderosa pine regeneration following wildfire in the western United States?

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Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Lawson & C. Lawson) is a prominent tree species in forests of the western United States. Wildfire activity in ponderosa pine dominated or co-dominated forests has increased dramatically in recent decades, with these recent wildfires often burning in an uncharacteristic manner due to past land management activities and changing climate.