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What’s New in LANDFIRE: Remap

What will you learn?

This webinar seeks to inform participants about what to expect from LANDFIRE Remap products, and what has and has not changed from previous product offerings. We will discuss what we have learned since February 2019 when the products were made available to users in the Northwest, and how LANDFIRE resources can address specific fire and land management issues.


Kori Blankenship, Fire Ecologist and Jim Smith, Program Lead, The Nature Conservancy LANDFIRE Team, Bend OR and Jacksonville FL, respectively.

Session Details: Thursday May 9, 2019 at 1:00pm US/Pacific || Duration: 1.0 hour

Who should participate?

Anyone who is or might be considering using LANDFIRE products to inform fire and vegetation management decisions: researchers, land and project managers, fire and fuel professionals, GIS specialists, scientists, and practitioners.

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