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Compounding effects of climate change and WUI expansion quadruple the likelihood of extreme-impact wildfires in California

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Previous research has examined individual factors contributing to wildfire risk, but the compounding effects of these factors remain underexplored. Here, we introduce the “Integrated Human-centric Wildfire Risk Index (IHWRI)” to quantify the compounding effects of fire-weather intensification and anthropogenic factors—including ignitions and human settlement into wildland—on wildfire risk. While climatic trends increased the frequency of high-risk fire-weather by 2.5-fold, the combination of this trend with wildland-urban interface expansion led to a 4.1-fold increase in the frequency of conditions conducive to extreme-impact wildfires from 1990 to 2022 across California. More than three-quarters of extreme-impact wildfires—defined as the top 20 largest, most destructive, or deadliest events on record—originated within 1 km from the wildland-urban interface. The deadliest and most destructive wildfires—90% of which were human-caused—primarily occurred in the fall, while the largest wildfires—56% of which were human-caused—mostly took place in the summer. By integrating human activity and climate change impacts, we provide a holistic understanding of human-centric wildfire risk, crucial for policy development.

Mukesh Kumar, Amir AghaKouchak, John T. Abatzoglou & Mojtaba Sadegh

Kumar, M., AghaKouchak, A., Abatzoglou, J.T. et al. Compounding effects of climate change and WUI expansion quadruple the likelihood of extreme-impact wildfires in California. npj Nat. Hazards 2, 17 (2025).

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