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Winter Storm Warning issued April 4 at 9:16PM PDT until April 6 at 11:00AM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

3 months 3 weeks ago
* WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 10 to 17 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute.

Winter Storm Warning issued April 4 at 9:16PM PDT until April 6 at 11:00AM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

3 months 3 weeks ago
* WHAT...Heavy snow. Additional snow accumulations of 10 to 17 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph. * WHERE...In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. * WHEN...Until 11 AM PDT Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute.

Flood Warning issued April 4 at 9:05PM MDT until April 10 at 11:59AM MDT by NWS Boise ID

3 months 3 weeks ago
...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon... Owyhee River Below Owyhee Dam affecting Malheur County. .Heavy rain will fall on a deep primed snowpack leading to the melt increasing. Flows in rivers will increase quickly and reach critical levels. For the Owyhee River...including Owyhee Dam, Owyhee Dam...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Owyhee River below Owyhee Dam. * WHEN...Until late Wednesday morning. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 7:30 PM MDT Thursday /6:30 PM PDT Thursday/ the flow was 4,378.0 cfs. - Bankfull is 1000 cfs. - Recent Activity...The maximum river flow in the 24 hours ending at 7:30 PM MDT Thursday /6:30 PM PDT Thursday/ was 4,378.0 cfs. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 4,999.9 cfs just after midnight tonight. It will then fall below flood stage early Wednesday morning. - Flood flow is 3,000.0 cfs. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 5,110.0 cfs on 05/31/2019. -

Flood Warning issued April 4 at 1:54PM MDT until April 10 at 12:00PM MDT by NWS Boise ID

3 months 3 weeks ago
...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Oregon... Owyhee River Below Owyhee Dam affecting Malheur County. .A combination of heavy rain and snow melt will result in increased outflows from Owyhee Dam. Flows in rivers will increase quickly and reach minor flood stage. For the Owyhee River...including Owyhee Dam...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Owyhee River below Owyhee Dam. * WHEN...Until early Wednesday afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:30 PM MDT Thursday /12:30 PM PDT Thursday/ the flow was 1,785.0 cfs. - Bankfull is 1000 cfs. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late this afternoon to a crest of 5,000 cfs this evening. - Flood flow is 3,000 cfs. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 5,110 cfs on 05/31/2019. -

NW Fire Science April Newsletter

3 months 3 weeks ago
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NW Fire Science Consortium News Digest View this email in your browser The Northwest Fire Science Consortium is a regional fire science exchange for disseminating knowledge and tools; a framework for coordinating fire science delivery; and a venue for increasing researcher understanding of the needs of managers & practitioners. A JFSP Fire Science Exchange Network QUESTIONS or COMMENTS? CONTACT:
Autumn Ellison, Program Coordinator
NW Fire Science Consortium
215 Richardson Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331 Subscribe to this newsletter! April 2024 Newsletter --> Happy spring, NW Fire Science Readers!

If you are hoping to attend some webinars in the coming weeks, you are in luck. There are webinars nearly every day of April on fire science topics ranging from working with the media to adaptive silviculture, dealing with misinformation, Tribal forestry, fire use around the world, and more! Read on for a recap of all those webinars plus all the new journal articles, reports, events, news, and other resources hot of the press the last month. 

Here at NWFSC we are working on some exciting new efforts that we hope to share more about in coming months, and are deep into planning for upcoming workshops, a science summit, some field-based meetings, and much more. And we are diving into initial data collection for our needs assessment effort which will ultimately include interviews, focus groups, and a couple surveys. We will be at the IAWF Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference in Boise in a couple weeks–if you are also attending we'd love to meet you. Steering Committee member Vita Wright will be representing NWFSC at an exhibitor table--stop by to say hi, peruse our resources, and get some stickers and pens! 

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, resources to highlight in future newsletters, or other news to share; we are always happy to hear from you!

Autumn Ellison
NWFSC Program Coordinator  --> Recent publications:
(Published an article? Send it to us!)

New Journal articles (pdf available):
Paywall articles (pdf not available on NWFSC page):
Reports: --> Meet the team: NWFSC Partner Sensing Group The NWFSC partner sensing group meets for a field tour following the Eagle Creek Fire, 2018 The NWFSC team exploring on a field tour during a 2016 meeting in north central WA.  We've been highlighting individual team members from our steering committee over the last few months, and we wanted to take this month to give a shout out to our Partner Sensing Group (PSG). The PSG encompasses members from diverse organizations and plays a key role in helping to ensure our efforts are relevant, accurate, useful, and accessible. The PSG:
  • Reviews accomplishments, outcomes, lessons learned, and workplans;
  • Helps design and engage end users in needs assessments, particularly for diverse representation and inclusion of underrepresented groups; 
  • Networks and shares NWFSC activities and outputs within their organizations and partnerships
As the NWFSC team gets started on what will be a comprehensive, mixed-methods approach to a new needs assessment, we are interviewing each of our PSG members this month on their organization's fire science application needs. These interviews will help inform our next efforts, including focus groups and a pair of surveys. We are grateful for the insight, perspectives, ideas, and overall diverse knowledge that our partners sensing group brings to NWFSC. Thank you PSG! 

To learn more about past needs assessments, or to submit a research need from your experience, visit our needs assessments page. We will continue to highlight more team members in forthcoming newsletters. Meet the team!  --> Conferences, workshops, and trainings:
  • Confluence Gatheringlearning and professional community-building within the collaborative conservation field. April 2-4. Tucson, AZ. 
  • Ignite Prescribed Fire Skills Training. Hands on, introductory prescribed fire training open to any level of experience and qualifications. April 6-7. Selma, OR. More info and register
  • Central Oregon Wildfire Home Protection Strategies Workshops 2024. April 6-May 15, various dates. Register
  • After the Flames Conference & Workshop. Apr. 15-17. Estes Park, CO
  • Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. Apr. 15-19. Boise. ID. (Locations also in Ireland and Australia). NWFSC will have a table in the exhibitor hall-come say hi!
  • Community Wildfire Mitigation Best Practices TrainingCoalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. Register for: 
    • Pendleton, OR. April 22-23. 
    • Salem, OR. April 24-25. 
  • Establishing Directions in Postfire Debris Flow Science ConferenceMay 20-22. South Lake Tahoe, CA. Attendance limited, register ASAP
  • 14th North American Forest Ecology Workshop. June 24-27. Asheville, NC.
  • 7th National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop. Sept. 16-19. Atlantic City, NJ. More info
  • Columbia Gorge TREX. Oct. 9-20, Glenwood, WA. More info and apply 
  • 4th SW Fire Ecology Conference. Nov. 18-22. Santa Fe, NM.
--> New & upcoming online events & resources -->
In the News:
For current info on fires and smoke in the region, please check out the CURRENT FIRE INFO page on our website.

Position alerts:

News: Visit the NW Fire Science Consortium website for additional information and resources. Forward this newsletter to a friend Subscribe to our mailing list

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Flood Warning issued April 4 at 10:21AM MDT by NWS Boise ID

3 months 3 weeks ago
...The National Weather Service in Boise ID has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Oregon... Owyhee River Below Owyhee Dam affecting Malheur County. For the Owyhee River...including Owyhee Dam, Owyhee Dam...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Owyhee River below Owyhee Dam. * WHEN...From this afternoon until further notice. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:30 AM MDT Thursday /8:30 AM PDT Thursday/ the flow was 985.0 cfs. - Bankfull is 1,000 cfs. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage just after midnight tonight to a crest of 4,000 cfs tomorrow morning. It will then fall below flood stage early Wednesday morning. - Flood flow is 3,000 cfs. - Flood History...No available flood history. -

Winter Storm Warning issued April 4 at 1:40AM PDT until April 6 at 11:00AM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

3 months 3 weeks ago
* WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 20 inches. * WHERE...In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 11 AM PDT Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute.

Winter Storm Warning issued April 4 at 1:40AM PDT until April 6 at 11:00AM PDT by NWS Pendleton OR

3 months 3 weeks ago
* WHAT...Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 10 to 20 inches. * WHERE...In Oregon, Northern Blue Mountains of Oregon. In Washington, Northwest Blue Mountains. * WHEN...From 5 PM this afternoon to 11 AM PDT Saturday. * IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible. The hazardous conditions could impact the morning or evening commute.