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NWFSC Nov/Dec Newsletter

8 months ago
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NW Fire Science Consortium News Digest View this email in your browser The Northwest Fire Science Consortium is a regional fire science exchange for disseminating knowledge and tools; a framework for coordinating fire science delivery; and a venue for increasing researcher understanding of the needs of managers & practitioners. A JFSP Fire Science Exchange Network QUESTIONS or COMMENTS? CONTACT:
Autumn Ellison, Program Coordinator
NW Fire Science Consortium
215 Richardson Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331 Subscribe to this newsletter! November/December 2023 Newsletter --> Hello NW Fire Science Readers,

It's been another busy month, we've been out sharing resources, collaborating, and planning for all things fire science. We attended the Cohesive Strategy Workshop in Santa Fe November 5-9 where we met a bunch of you at our exhibitor table, hosted a fire science haiku competition, and helped facilitate a session on the changing needs for fire science communication and delivery. We then headed off to the Inter-Tribal Ecosystem Restoration Partnership Peer-to-Peer Learning Summit in Sunriver, OR that we co-sponsored on November 14-16. We were excited to share our new synthesis on Indigenous Fire Stewardship and other resources, learn a bunch, and meet so many cool people. 

Other highlights over the past month: 
  • We submitted our annual report impact statements to JFSP for FY23. 
  • We hosted 2 webinars and published a new information guide on the Oregon Certified Burn Manager Program (see below for links)
  • Planning for the upcoming Association for Fire Ecology meeting next week--we'd love to see you at our sessions if you are also attending. We are hosting both a Special Session and a Fire Circle on Wednesday afternoon. We'll also have a booth–come say hi!
  • Developing work plans for our upcoming deliverables as our new proposal really gets underway--see below to learn a bit more about some of new NWFSC team members! 
  • And, recapping all the new journal articles, webinars, and news from the last month as usual.
This is our last newsletter of 2023, we'll send out our next one in early January after the holidays. We truly hope that you all have the most joyful of Decembers and find a bit of space to do what makes your heart most happy. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Until 2024,

Autumn Ellison
NWFSC Program Coordinator  --> Welcome WSU Extension partners! WELCOME Patrick and Andy, WSU Extension!

Washington State University has joined the NWFSC team! 
With the FY24-25 funding, we’re bringing WSU Extension Foresters Patrick Shults and Andy Perleberg on board. Patrick will be playing a primary role on the operations team as the coordinator for Washington State activities and helping roll out the next set of deliverables. He has been the Extension Forester for southwest Washington counties since 2018, developing a program that serves forest landowners through education, research, and resource development on topics like forest health and resilience, agroforestry, and westside wildfire. Andy is the WSU Extension Forestry team leader and has been supporting landowners and professionals throughout Washington State for over twenty years. His program now focuses on forest health and wildland fire in eastern Washington. He will be serving an advisory role on the NWFSC management team. WELCOME PATRICK AND ANDY! 

We will continue to introduce our new partners in the FY24-25 workplan over the coming months. Meet the team! --> New informational guides:

Both Washington and Oregon have recently developed statewide Certified Burn Manager (CBM) Programs. These programs provide formal training and certification of individuals in the safe and effective use of prescribed fire within the state, and in certain instances can offer limited civil liability protections. To help explain the objectives, processes, benefits, requirements, and restrictions of each program, we are creating guides for each in partnership with state managers. The informational guides can help interested parties access key information about the programs while increasing awareness of the programs more generally in our region. LEARN MORE AND DOWNLOAD the OREGON CBM PROGRAM GUIDE. The WA CBM Program guide is forthcoming soon. 

Webinar recordings If you missed either of these recent webinars, recordings are available Oregon's State Wildfire Risk Map. Learn about legislation SB 762's intent, requirements for mapping, where the effort stands today, and what we continue to learn from the public's reaction.

**Watch Recording**

Stories of Fire: Resources for Media Covering Wildfire Events & Topics. Learn more about how media in all forms can report diverse stories of fire, including strategies for physical & mental preparedness, engaging with incident personnel, and using scientific knowledge.

**Watch Recording**

--> Recent publications:
(Published an article? Send it to us!)

New Journal articles (pdf available):
Paywall articles (pdf not available on NWFSC page): 
New Datasets Available:
Reports: The Fire Science Exchange Network crew at the Cohesive Strategy meeting in Santa Fe, NM. We had a whole row of tables with resources, we hosted a haiku challenge for the "not your typical poster session," we facilitated an interactive session on shifting fire science communication needs, and we had a whole lot of fun to boot.  Conferences, lectures, workshops, and summits:
  • NWFSC SPONSORED! Association for Fire Ecology (AFE) 10th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress. Dec. 4-8; Monterey, CA. NWFSC is presenting a Special Session and a Fire Circle, and we'll also have an exhibitor table setup--come find us! 
  • Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. Jan. 28-Feb.1. Sparks, NV
  • National Native Seed Conference. Feb. 7-8. Virtual. 
  • After the Flames Conference & Workshop. Apr. 15-17. Estes Park, CO
  • Fire Behavior and Fuels Conference. Apr. 15-19. Boise. ID. (Locations also in Ireland and Australia). 
New & upcoming online events & resources: Our table at the Inter-Tribal Ecosystem Restoration Partnership Peer-to-Peer Learning Summit in Sunriver, OR. Photo credit: Emily Jane Davis, OSU Extension  In the News:
For current info on fires and smoke in the region, please check out the CURRENT FIRE INFO page on our website. Visit the NW Fire Science Consortium website for additional information and resources. Forward this newsletter to a friend Subscribe to our mailing list

Copyright © 2023 Northwest Fire Science Consortium, All rights reserved.

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Hydrologic Outlook issued November 30 at 6:05AM PST by NWS

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...THREAT OF RIVER AND URBAN FLOODING SUNDAY THROUGH WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK ACROSS WESTERN WASHINGTON... An period of active weather returns to Western Washington today and continues into next week as a series of frontal systems are poised to move across the Pacific Northwest. Snow levels start off between 1500 and 2000 feet this afternoon but rise closer to 6000 to

Air Quality Alert issued November 30 at 3:50AM PST by NWS

8 months ago
...AIR QUALITY ALERT IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM PST THIS MORNING... Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has issued an Air Pollution effect until 10 AM PST Thursday. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality issued an air quality advisory for Jackson and Josephine County and the Klamath Falls. Check current air quality conditions and advisories on DEQ’s Air