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Learning to live with fire

How can we be better prepared for wildfires while living in a fire prone environment? Why do we see more extreme fire behavior when wildfires ignite?

The Wildfire Project

A short film and discussion that combines research perspectives and personal stories about the devastating effects of two megafires in Washington during the summers of 2014 and 2015.

Era of Megafires

The NW Fire Science Consortium along with Oregon State University's College of Forestry and the Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Program are sponsoring Era of Megafires in Corvallis, OR on March 15th from 7pm-9pm at the LaSells Stewart Center.

State of Fire: Risks, Effects, and Treatment Options

State of Fire: Risks, Effects and Treatment Options. This updated presentation reviews the history of fire in Oregon's forests. It assesses the causes and effects of forest fires as well as options for reducing the vulnerability of Oregon’s forests to catastrophic fires.

Oregon's Smoke Seminar

Welcome to the Oregon Department of Forestry's Smoke Seminar 2018. This seminar will give you the latest updates on where we are at with the Oregon Smoke Management review process and how the rules may be changing.